The Judging Panel

Simon, Cheryl, Danny and Louis were gutted to hear they didn’t make the cut.

Trained by the finest culinary schools and having sampled the finest cuisine throughout the world. We have both eaten a lot of food for over two decades.

Katy likes to eat. A favourite holiday activity is spotting the differences in McDonald’s restaurants in different countries. Turns out Canada do a McLobster Sandwich and Hungary are big on the McOinkOink. Fave foods include Pizza Huts, sushi and parma ham.

Joe alternates between pro-ana days and days where he eats. When he’s not chain smoking and downing black coffee, food does feature. Favourites include burritos and vegetarian stuff like tofu.

6 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Martha on January 5, 2011 at 8:05 am

    LUV IT.
    i’m so proud of you ball s. and joe, you sound just fabulous! xx


  2. Posted by Jack Newman on January 5, 2011 at 4:40 pm

    Just stumbled across this website and I can already see that it’s a MUST GO to website for anyone living on a budget in London. Bookmarking it RIGHT NOW.

    P.S that Joe guy looks kind of fit – but why is he pulling that strange face?


  3. I am an avid reader of your four posts. I plan to improve my dining and budgetary habits by cherry picking from your experiences.


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